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This page is the gateway to the meat and potatoes of my website. The links here are the reasons most people visit and are the most fun for luthiers and aspiring luthiers from all over the world. From here you can navigate to all the repair series pages from how to articles on building your own banjo necks, bridges and more to more complicated work like resetting a guitar neck and hand cut pearl inlay work. I offer tips on finishing, restorations of vintage guitars, jigs and tools plus a whole lot more. The truth is this website just keeps growing and I post updates as I am able. Please browse the pages contained within this site and enjoy! Be sure to follow me on Facebook for even more photos and how-to information by visiting me at:
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Thank you for your visit!
Richie Dotson
Acoustic Box LLC
11000 Long Branch Dr.
Chesterfield, VA 23832
(804) 790-1705